Thursday, November 27, 2008


It is not know for certain when and how often the ocelot breeds. It is thought that it breeds twice a year, in summer and in winter. When the breeding season arrives, the ocelot will venture out of its territory to find a mate. The female starts the courtship by calling loudly to attract a male. During mating, the male holds the female by the back of the neck.Before the kittens are born two months later, the female makes a well-hidden nest. This is sometimes lined with soft down plucked from her underside.Two to four kittens are born. As each one arrives, the mother breaks the birth sac to free the kitten. She bites off the umbilical cord and licks the newborn clean and dry, then eats the afterbirth.The kittens are born with fur, but they are blind and helpless for several days. Therefore, the mother will leave them only when absolutely necessary. for the first few weeks, the kittens feed only on their mother's milk. During this time, she will eat their droppings so as to keep the nest clean.When the kittens are older, the mother brings them live prey and teaches them how to kill it. Later they follow her on hunting trips to develop their skills. Once the kittens become competent hunters, they leave the nest to find their own territories.

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