Thursday, November 27, 2008


Body length: 25-40inTail length: 10-16inWeight: 25-35LBS BREEDING:
Sexual Maturity: 6-8 months.Mating: Once or twice a year, depending on location.Gestation: 70 days.Litter Size: 2-4 kittens. LIFESTYLE
Habit: Solitary or may live in pairs.Coat color: Varies from rich yellow to gray, depending on habitat. Underside speckled white. Ringed tail.Lifespan: 17 years in captivity. Unknown in wild. RELATED SPECIES
There are 28 species of small wildcat found worldwide, with the exception of Australasia and the polar regions. DISTRIBUTION
Ocelots range from Arizona in North America to Argentina in South America. CONSERVATION
Ocelots have long suffered from extensive hunting for their valuable pelts. More recently, the ocelot received full protection from hunters under international law, and commercial trade is now banned.

1 comment:

Kitty Girl said...

why is it "key" facts and not just facts?